A Day in The Life …

ABC Elects First African American Channing Dungey To Head A Major Network

This week another #MediaQueenInCharge made history by becoming ABC’s new entertainment president on Tuesday, February 17! This makes Channing Dungey the first African American to head programming at a major broadcast network. She replaced her colleague Paul Lee, who had the position for 6 years prior. Lee spoke very highly of Dungey and claimed that she will be president after he left, he knew she was bound for greatness.

Dungey has been working with the network since 2009 and was executive VP of drama development, movies, and mini-series. She played a huge role in ABC hits like Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder, and Quantico and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She has a very close relationship with the creative genius Shonda Rhimes, and helped get “Greys Anatomy” back on track at a point in time where it was shaky.

Colleagues describe Dungey as creative, gracious, and compassionate. “She’s one of those good people that you always root for,” one executive said. “She’s the smartest person they’ve got.” We are so happy for this #MediaQueenInCharge breaking barriers and cashing big checks along the way!


