A Day in The Life …

Florida Woman Sets Wrong Man’s Car On Fire

A Florida woman thought she was setting her ex-boyfriends car on fire—except it was another man’s car.

According to the New York Daily News:

Carmen Chamblee, 19, has been arrested after she attempted to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend by setting fire to his car.
However, as the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, there was one major hurdle in her plot to achieve fiery retribution: It was the wrong car.
“I have no idea who she is,” former automobile owner Thomas Jennings told local station WFTS. Jennings exited his residence at the urging of his alarmed roommate only to see the giant blaze that was once his Honda.
“I’ve never seen her in my life,” he said.


But peep this surveillance footage of the woman setting the whip on fire! I hope homie has insurance.