A Day in The Life …

K. Michelle Admits Memphitz Never Whooped Her Ass!


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Remember on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, K. Michelle’s storyline pretty much revolved around her being a victim of domestic violence with her ex boyfriend, Memphitz.  She even became a spokesperson for victims of domestic violence.

Memphitz decided to sue not only K. Michelle but Viacom Intenational,  Mona Scott Young’s Monami Entertainment and NFGTV, Inc after K. Michelle talked over & over again about her “music executive ex boyfriend” ( Memphitz) abusing her.

Memphitz is also asking for all parties involved to pay for his attorney’s fees.

In a recent deposition, K. Michelle pretty much confessed that he never punched her but rather, hit her with a water bottle.

Peep the court documents contained by Bossip.com:




K. Michelle was also asked about an alleged text message that was sent by Memphitz to her, threatening to kill her child.  Along with being asked if Memphitz paid for her fake booty…