A Day in The Life …

Lala Anthony Gives Advice To Young Girls: “Have Something To Bring To The Table” [VIDEO]

Lala & Carmelo Anthony


I love me some Lala Anthony! I mean, okay I ‘ll admit I wasn’t a big fan of her reality TV show on VH1 but only because I put her on a pedestal way higher than these low grade reality “stars.”

Anyway, I’m so happy she shared this advice to young women during an intimate sit down with Miss Info of HOT97 for the 10th Anniversary of the Circle of Sisters Expo in New York City.

Lala dished on being a basketball wife, a mother to her son, all while keeping her career on power mode with a reality TV show, acting career, traveling the world with her book & hosting gigs.  All of that may sound like the new American dream, and some women aspire to find that ball player to whisk their lives into glamour mode, but Lala shared an important message for young women: HAVE YOUR OWN THING GOING ON!

She said,

I’m not being negative but it’s something to be said that, [your man] knows that if something goes down, you would be okay if you had to walk away. And that’s powerful. That is powerful. So it’s just something to think about. I say, come into a relationship with your own. Everyone is not meant to run a Fortune 500 company, but just have something that you own. A clothing line, a hobby, something that you’re passionate about so that your whole world doesn’t revolve around a man. That’s not a good thing.
Watch the full interview  & share it with your girls!