A Day in The Life …

#MondayMotivation: 7 Morning Hacks To Slay Your Day

The only way to jumpstart your day and to ensure good vibes and good energy, is to have a great morning.

Face it, if your morning sucks, more than likely your attitude will suck for the rest of the day.

Let’s change that! Here are 7 morning hacks to ensure your morning is cool and calm 🙂

1. Organization

Organization is a major key, especially for the ones who aren’t morning people and like to wake up at the last minute. Try preparing as much as you can at night! This way you won’t have to rush and do so much in the morning. Pick out your outfit, iron your clothes, pack your lunch, or whatever you can do at night, do it!


2. Add an extra hour

So for the ones who are morning people, wake up an hour earlier than normal. Use this time to take a relaxing bath instead of a quick shower. Give yourself time to actually breathe! It’ll be a peaceful start to your morning.


3. Actually get some sleep!

It’ll be pretty hard to wake up energized, if you haven’t gotten enough rest! Try to give yourself at least 8 hours every night. Remember when you lack sleep, you slack!!


4. Eat breakfast

It seems as if the most important meal of the day is the most frequently skipped meal of the day! Fuel your body and prepare yourself a yummy breakfast in the AM! It’ll be something to look forward to!


5. Exercise

The best time for exercise is in the morning. Go for a morning jog or hit the gym before work and watch how good you’ll feel!


6. Get some sun!

For those that wake up after the sun rises, enjoy it. Open up your curtains and let the sun shine through! How can you not want to jump out of bed when the sun is shining on ya’? 🙂


7. Wash your face

As soon as you hop out of bed, head to the bathroom and wash your face. The water will not only feel refreshing but it’ll trigger your body to get moving!


With these 7 easy hacks, your day will be off to a great start guaranteeing good vibes only 🙂
