Fitness guru, Donna Richardson, is more than just a fitness and aerobics instructor, she’s a wellness and travel blogger, TV personality, author, an ambassador for First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign, and so much more.



Richardson’s Five “Cs” of Success is an awesome way to get this week started!

Commit: You can’t conquer what you’re not committed to. MAKE TIME FOR YOUR GOALS.

Choices: Let go of excuses and make better choices. Decide today to do it. Whatever makes your heart happy, DO IT.

Change: Change the voice inside your head, so that you will think and do differently. You have to want to change more than you want to stay the same. Forget the “I don’t have enough experience…”  “I can’t…” “It’s never happened before…” speech, and SPEAK GREATNESS OVER YOUR LIFE.

Courage: Be courageous about pursuing and achieving your goals. You will feel uncomfortable at times, but don’t be afraid. Know that it will all work out in your favor. STAY THE COURSE!

Connect: Connect with a higher source. What’s your plug? For most people, it’s God. Don’t be afraid to connect and ask him for what you want.

Donna Richardson shared that the five “Cs” were the major key to her success, and encourages that it will help you achieve your goals as well.

Happy Monday!
