#BlackoutTuesday was proposed by music executives Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang, who led in the effort of the music community pausing normal business operations on June 2nd, in “observance of the long-standing racism and inequality that exist from the boardroom to the boulevard.”
Of course, the movement went pretty viral and other brands and influencers vowed to not post any content in solidarity.
If you’d like to participate, simply post a black square with #BLACKOUTTUESDAY. The initiative began circulating on Friday and Saturday, largely thanks to record labels, music companies, streaming platforms, radio personalities, and artists.
TWO RULES: DO NOT use the hashtag #BlackLives Matter or #BLM.
Some celebrities like rapper Lil Nas X was critical of the movement on Twitter. “I just really think this is the time to push as hard as ever,” he wrote. “I don’t think the movement has ever been this powerful. we don’t need to slow it down by posting nothing. we need to spread info and be as loud as ever.”
Be clear, this was never about being silent. It was to interrupt the work week and refrain from self-promotion to use their presence on various platforms to uplift members of the black community instead.
Click the link below and scroll to the very bottom just like I did to donate to George Floyd’s family as well as Breonna Taylor’s family and bail funds across the nation!