If you were looking for a sign to start something… this is it.
A lot of times our creative juices begin to flow and we vision ourselves starting or doing something we’ve always wanted to do.
Whether it’s travel, start a business; write a book, or even something as small as joining a gym. You think to yourself, “Hmm, that would be nice.”
But then the idea gets clouded by fear and doubt. You then start to think, “that’s a dumb idea,” “no one will like it” or the one that hits heavy for me, “I’m simply incapable of doing it.”
For the past two years, I’ve been reading lots of “self-help” books. However, it wasn’t until this year that I got really serious about manifesting my desires and living the life I want to live. You know, truly listening to the positive inner voice inside me.
One of the books I’ve read this year was “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. She’s also the magical author behind the popular novel “Eat Pray Love.” In Big Magic, Gilbert says,
Bring forth what is within you.
Do it whether the critics love you or hate you.
Or whether the critics have never heard of you and perhaps never will hear of you.
Do it whether people get it or don’t get it.
It doesn’t have to be perfect.
It’s all just an instinct and an experiment and a mystery, so begin.
Begin anywhere.
Preferably right now.
You know what happens when you quit, but find out what happens when you keep going! What if you kept the faith? What if you JUST DID IT?
Ask yourself… why not me, and why not now?
It doesn’t matter what it is you’d like to do, or what it is you’d like to start… if you’re able to vision it, it can and will happen. You just have to believe that.
It’s that easy.
Today as we start a new week and finish off the month of July, think about something you’ve always wanted to do. Here’s your task… DO IT, period.
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