Yes, elderly people are the most at-risk of developing severe Coronavirus but experts want young, healthy people to understand that they too can die from the respiratory infection.
More than 200,000 people around the world in 170 countries have been infected with the virus since the initial outbreak in China back in December.
While yes, most of the 8,000 deaths recorded have been elderly or suffer from underlying conditions and have weakened immune system.
Most of the 8,000 fatalities recorded across the world have been people who are elderly, suffer underlying conditions, and/or have weakened immune systems. However according to experts who studied the pandemic in China say the number of young people who developed complications from the disease is quite alarming.
Dr Aylward, of the World Health Organization, has warned people as young as 30 years old were dying from the life threatening virus.
According to reports, Chinese health officials carried out the biggest ever study on the never-before-seen strain of the virus, using data from 72,000 cases. They found 19 per cent of patients who died were below the age of 60 years.
Experts are warning everyone to just “pretend ” as though they already have the virus. Stay inside unless its absolutely needed. Limit the number of people you are around and use this time to really try to slow this pandemic down. Especially the young, healthy individuals. Without us, we can’t stop Covid-19 from taking the lives of so many Americans.