You’ve been seeing reports of the pied piper along with other celebrities trying to get out of jail due to the Covid-19 pandemic and none of them except Tekashi 69 seem to be having any luck.
R.Kelly’s legal team recently submitted this:
“Dear Judge Donnelly:
On April 20, 2020, counsel for the defendant Robert Kelly filed a letter with the Court indicating that he had been advised the night before that an inmate on the defendant’s floor ‘had tested positive for Covid 19 and been taken to the hospital.’”
R.Kelly’s lawyer Steven Greenberg hopes that this news will finally convince the courts that the 52-year-old singer’s health is now in immediate danger. An inmate on the ‘Contagious’ singer’s floor was just hospitalized for the coronavirus.
As of last week though Judge Donnelly wasn’t moved at all by their plea.
“The defendant is currently in custody because of the risks that he will flee or attempt to obstruct, threaten or intimidate prospective witnesses. The defendant has not explained how those risks have changed…he does not explain how his surgical history places him at a higher risk of severe illness.”
She considered R.Kelly a flight risk although his legal team denied those claims citing R.Kelly’s alleged $2 million dollar tax lien.