This pandemic has got everybody money looking a little funny and this mom is simply doing what she has to do!


A former Oregon stripper wrote about her current situation in the Huffington Post, where she explains how she’s had to pivot her adult entertainment work since having to quarantine with her daughter.

Since the strip clubs are closed, she’s now left with using her webcam for digital work like solo and partnered sex shows, sexting,  and selling fetish videos. She admits juggling the workload isn’t easy but its how things have to be for now.

Hey, Porn is definitely helping people handle staying inside all damn day and these sex workers deserve to be paid and respected! My question is this: did she share a little too much with her 8-year-old daughter?

What my daughter knows about Mommy’s work is context-appropriate for her age; she’s 8. She knows that “Mommy works in a business called a strip club and dances for people and tells them jokes, gives them hugs, and gets tipped money for doing so, because bodies are interesting and beautiful and people will pay money to appreciate them, and because companionship is important.”

When she’s older I will explain to her that I’ve worked with people’s bodies and genitals, and that I’ve been paid for sex, and that I’ve earned money from having conversations and filming myself masturbating or even stepping on cigarettes. I will explain to her that some of this work was legal and some of it was not.

An 8-year-old knowing her mom works at a “business called a strip club?” She knows mommy “dances, tells them jokes and gives them hugs?”

Did she share too much with her daughter or is she eventually going to find out anyway?